HUD Grant: HMIS Capacity Building

HUD NOFA: HMIS Capacity-Building

Let WellSky help you take advantage of HUD's unique HMIS Capacity Building grant

HUD has announced $5 million in funding to help communities improve their CoC's HMIS. HUD has never offered this kind of grant before, and it is a valuable opportunity to bring new solutions to the problem of homelessness in your community. These improvements can include:
  1. Consolidate HMIS software or databases with another CoC's HMIS.
  2. Upgrade, customize, or configure the functionality of an existing HMIS.
  3. Improve HMIS data quality.
  4. Increase staff skills through trainings related to HMIS governance, data quality improvements, and data analysis.
Our team is ready to assist you with a unique combination of strategic thinking and technological know-how. Get a ballpark quote for services you would like to include in your Application for HUD's HMIS Capacity Building funding opportunity. The deadline for applications is January 31st — so call now! 

855-935-5759 ext. 3