FORM DUE 3/15/18: Baltimore County HIC (Housing Inventory Count) 2018

You received this message because you are on our HMIS listserv, but this only applies to agencies that provide one or more of the programs below for our annual reporting requirements.

Agencies w/one or more programs below must complete our 2018 HIC Form by 3/15/18.  If your agency has more than one of the programs below, a separate form must be completed for each.  Complete each form to the best of your ability, and we will confirm all data with you before the final submission to our federal, state, and local partners.  Inventory counts for beds and units should reflect the information from your most recent grant application.  Please coordinate within your agency so that you do not submit duplicates.  Call us with any questions.  Thank you.
  • Required Program Types for 2018 HIC

    • Emergency Shelter (including DV)
    • Transitional Housing  (including DV)
    • Rapid-ReHousing  (including DV)
    • Permanent Supportive Housing
NOTE: All information in our final submission must be 100% accurate.  This data is used to determine funding, program performance, program priority, Rating + Ranking, etc.  Any late submissions may result in lower ranking during funding decisions.

Jason Burns, MCSE
Systems Administrator