4 Reasons to Retire "Inner City"

Also: Pete Garcia In Memoriam ● Housing and Climate Change ● Children's Hospitals Treat Substandard Housing ● Build Housing for the Jobs You Have
Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Social Determinants of Health Through a Cultural Lens at People and Places 2017 | National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations | May 31 - June 2

Shelterforce publisher Harold Simon will moderate a panel of three leaders in bridging the gap between health care and community development in communities of color. The conference will include 35 sessions and 100 speakers. Click here to learn more.

Dialogue4Health | Build Power for Health Equity: Strategic Practices for Local Health Departments | June 1, 1 p.m. EDT

How can local health departments effectively advance health equity? And how should they work with community groups (and vice versa) to do so? Join this webinar, hosted by the Public Health Institute, for a discussion on strategic health equity practices.

Webcast and In-Person Meeting | HUD: A New Era of Homeownership | June 1 at 2 p.m. EDT

Joel Kan, Mortgage Bankers Association; Christie Peale, Center for NYC Neighborhoods; Jon Spader, Harvard JCHS; and Lawrence Yun, National Association of Realtors, will discuss the recent housing crisis and its impact on consumer behavior with a focus on the challenges millennial purchasers face. Registration and further info here.

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In Memoriam: Pete Garcia
Shelterforce Staff

The community development world lost a leader on May 3. Pete Garcia, who was the director of Chicanos Por La Causa from 1984 to 2008, passed away at the age of 71. Here are some memories of Garcia, also known as "Big Dog," submitted by Shelterforce readers . . . More

4 Reasons to Retire the Phrase "Inner City"
Miriam Axel-Lute, Shelterforce
Long uncomfortable with the term "inner city," I see that it has still come up in Shelterforce more often than I would have expected. While there are surely more, here are four reasons why we should put the phrase out to pasture. More

Plans for Housing in the Age of Climate Change Should Include This Tool
Keli A. Tianga, Shelterforce
In places we've come to expect and places we don't, storm surge flooding is a way of life. Building resiliency requires real data on what (and who) is there now and what should be built in the future. This newly released tool provides that data . . . More

How 2 Children's Hospitals Are Treating Substandard Housing
Barbara Ray, Build Healthy Places Network
In Cincinnati and Columbus, two children's hospitals are going beyond their walls, building partnerships, and looking toward a new model of health care. More

Build Housing for the Jobs You Have
Max Arnell, Fernando Marti, and Peter Cohen, Council of Community Housing Organizations
It seems like the simplest of ideas: the housing that a region plans for and builds should match the needs of the people that live there now and in the future. But in the Bay Area, it is clear that what is being built doesn't always meet this rule. Here is a framework that lays out what's needed to house all people, not just high income-earners . . . More

In Case You Missed It

You Said It!

One key point which needs attention is Florida's use of the term "economic development" (ED), which is the conventional view over 20 years in that it is equated to only business development, when in fact this concept is but one element of a broader CED socioeconomic paradigm, measuring for public outcomes where needs are greatest rather than merely measuring "success" in business terms. If you want to advocate or support business development, join the Chamber of Commerce . . . --Fernando Centeno, more

Looking for a Job?
Chief Executive Officer
The person in this leadership role works with the Board of Directors, executes the organization's vision, assures its overall program effectiveness, ensures the acquisition of sufficient resources, protects and projects . . . Read Full Listing
Real Estate Finance Manager
The person in this role will have knowledge of the mission, objectives, policies, and practices of non-profit organizations and affordable housing development, and will monitor fiscal data for multiple projects . . . Read Full Listing
Housing and Facilities Program Manager
Oversees the effective development of housing and community facilities for our project sponsors, and is responsible for the development of multi- and single-family housing and community . . . Read Full Listing
Chief Housing Operations Officer
Oversees property and asset management, and works in partnership with CEO and senior leadership team to increase CHP's scope and impact in providing high-quality housing to formerly homeless people . . . Read Full Listing
Housing Policy and Development Manager
Will provide support for the predevelopment of ABI-owned real estate for affordable workforce housing, manage RFPs, coordinate stakeholders for the benefit of equitable development . . . Read Full Listing
President and Chief Executive Officer
Will provide strategic leadership, working collaboratively to execute a vision for West Louisville. Will inspire and demonstrate the intellectual depth to communicate the aspirations of a community's . . . Read Full Listing
Senior Manager, Federal Policy
Working with national partners and coalitions, coordinates meetings with representatives, federal agencies, and more, keeping track of legislation and regulatory changes that will affect the mission of . . . Read Full Listing
Senior Manager, Communications
Develops and manages communications activities that promote, enhance, and protect NALCAB's brand reputation, and is responsible for a range of public relations activities relative to the strategic direction . . . Read Full Listing

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