Left and Right Agree! Sort Of.

Also: Can Puerto Rico Teach How to Survive Trump? ● At Least OUR Tax Credits Are Safe. Right? ● Walkable "Small Town-ism" ● Local Contracting
Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Webinar | Connecting Communities | Education, Skills, and Employer Preferences in the Middle-Skills Marketplace | April 13, 3 p.m. EDT

Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Board, this webinar will share recent research and current initiatives to close the skills gap in the U.S. economy. Are there solutions that connect talented workers with decent-paying jobs based on their demonstrated skills and competencies rather than on their degree?


RWJF | How Healthy is Your Community?

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has released its annual County Health Rankings, an interactive report that compares counties within each state on more than 30 health-influencing factors such as education, jobs, and housing.

Habitat Report | Affordable for Good: Building Inclusive Communities through Homes that Last

Grounded Solutions Network and Habitat for Humanity International have partnered to produce Habitat's 2017 Shelter Report, which makes a compelling argument for creating homes that stay permanently affordable to benefit generation after generation of low-income homebuyers.

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Can Puerto Rico Teach Us How to Survive Under Trump?
Caroline Nagy, Center for NYC Neighborhoods
Many of us in the housing advocacy and community development movement are asking ourselves: how can we build power to fight against displacement as well as heightened political insecurity and instability? How can we continue to dream big in the face of long odds that may be getting longer? Caño Martín Peña may have part of the answer . . . More

Where the Left and Right Agree (Sort Of)
A Shelterforce Roundtable on Regulation and Housing Supply
The question of regulation and permitting of development is one that crosses usual political lines. Regulation is not inherently bad, but it's also not inherently good--Shelterforce readers are well aware of the effects of redlining and exclusionary zoning, for example. We gathered some people who have done a lot of work around these issues to discuss what it might look like to actually remove obstacles that get in the way of developing less expensive housing options responsibly. What's possible? What are the trade-offs? More

At Least *Our* Tax Credits Are Safe. Or Are They?
Marjorie Kelly, The Democracy Collaborative
As we await more substantive detail on the Trump administration's budget proposal, there is a lesser-known tax savings plan that's been building community wealth that is threatened . . . More

How About Walkable "Small Town-ism?"
David Holtzman, newspaper reporter and former planner
With the high cost of land and housing in most major cities, why don't we just make the hundreds of "walkable" small towns more desirable places to live for average earners? Well for starters . . . More

Local Contracting--Cost Cutting, Economic Development, Or Both?
Miriam Axel-Lute, Shelterforce
Hiring local contractors is a great way to support community economic development--it keeps money circulating in the neighborhood, creates more local jobs, and tends to reduce the racial wealth gap. On the other hand, local hire as a cost-saving measure raises questions. Why is it cheaper?  More

You Said It!

There are two significant pieces of federal legislation that protect educational stability, school enrollment, and transportation for children in foster care . . . These laws reach much further than McKinney-Vento ever did in terms of children in foster care, as McKinney-Vento only covered children "awaiting foster care placement." In most states, this was . . . --Patricia Julianelle, more

The Progressive Caucus in Washington offers something very similar to what you describe, 'A People's Budget,' and the most recent offering was in 2015 (for FY2016) . . . So it's not that this should be done. It is being done. It's more about how to ensure . . . --Tarik Abdelazim, more

When Saul Alinsky was organizing in Chicago, in low-income communities, it was the men who were working and the women stayed at home. Today it is the women who are working with few jobs for the men. This change in society is also reflective in the leadership of . . .
--Herb Fisher, more

In Case You Missed It

Looking for a Job?
Program Coordinator
NALCAB seeks a dedicated professional with strong writing skills and exceptional attention to detail to assist with grant-making, policy research, capital investment, small business and equitable neighborhood . . . Read Full Listing
Community Development Manager
Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Region

Establishes and maintains relationships with state and local housing providers; nonprofit and for-profit housing developers; and other key community stakeholders . . . Read Full Listing
Senior Housing Developer
Plans and coordinates project teams, supervises team members, and maintains the relationships necessary to accomplish local housing development objectives. . . Read Full Listing
Housing Developer
Participates as a member of one or more housing teams, conducting project tasks as assigned, and developing the relationships necessary to further client capacity building . . . Read Full Listing

Director of Property Management

The Director of Property Management will have full operational responsibility for Tenderloin NDC's growing portfolio of over 3,500 apartment homes and a team of approximately 250 associates, of whom . . . Read Full Listing

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