Homelessness Update: Watch Nan Roman's #NAEH17 Speech

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Watch the keynote address from last week’s conference on ending family & youth homelessness
I ask you to commit to work hard on one more thing that represents your values.  And that is to help us get the resources that we must have to help you end homelessness.”

Watch the Video

Check out our YouTube playlist for other inspiring videos from the conference.

what are the needs of homeless jobseekers?
Does your community capture information about employment interests or activities during the annual Point-in-Time Count? Help the Heartland Alliance learn more about the intersection of homelessness and employment by filling out their brief survey.
Fill out the survey »
president trump's first budget and its impact on affordable housing
There are significant threats facing affordable housing and community development programs. You can help protect these resources from severe funding cuts. Join Steve Berg, our Vice President of Program and Policy, for a webinar on Monday, March 6 at 3 p.m. ET. and learn what you can do to support the national effort to preserve homeless assistance funding and fortify your community’s resources.​
Register for the webinar »
from the blog
Ending Homelessness Today
the official blog of the national alliance to end homelessness
Homelessness and Immigration Enforcement: What You Should Know
by Kathryn Monet
The recent arrests of several undocumented immigrants leaving a hypothermia shelter located in a church in Virginia have prompted many to ask how they can protect the rights of at-risk clients, as well as how to prepare for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) actions. Learn more about what you and your program should do.
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Sanctuary Jurisdictions: What You Need to Know about Executive Order 13768
by Kathryn Monet
Executive Order 13768 has led to much confusion about what it means for cities, counties, and states that may be considered sanctuary jurisdictions. While we are not immigration law experts here at the Alliance, we are sharing what we do know to inform ongoing conversations at the local level.
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What can YOU do to increase and improve rapid re-housing?
by Jen Saunders and Samantha Batko
Over the past few weeks, we have been blogging about how and what communities can do to identify and access new funding for rapid re-housing.  Today the Alliance is releasing three new resources that further explore strategies for how communities can expand capacity and improve performance of rapid re-housing.
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About Us

The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to solving the problem of homelessness and preventing its continued growth.

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Visit the Center for Capacity Building to learn more about the ways the Center can help your community end homelessness.