Homelessness Update

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Health Care, Medicaid, and Homelessness – What’s happening?
It’s time to recap what’s happened in Congress around preserving Medicaid expansion, and what’s likely to happen next.

Steve Berg, Vice President of Policy at the Alliance, checks in on the state of Medicaid and health care for people experiencing homelessness in his latest blog.
What's the latest? »
Important Opportunities available in the 2017 GPD NOFA
For the first time, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for their Grant and Per Diem (GPD) Program.

Let us walk you through the NOFA and the opportunities within for programs, Continuums of Care and VA partners. Register for our webinar on Feb. 15 at 1 p.m. ET.
Register for the webinar »
It's going to be a full house! Join 1,400+ for rapid re-housing webinars.
Good thing our webinars have no limit on the number of people who can register because our February calendar is standing room only. Have you registered yet? There’s still time….

Making Rapid Re-Housing Part of Your Community’s System - Feb. 8 at 1 p.m. ET
Rapidly Re-Housing Households with Zero Income - Feb. 14 at 1 p.m. ET
See all upcoming events »
Do We Have This Right?
Over the next few weeks we will roll out several new communication initiatives, including our redesigned website! Make sure you don’t miss out by taking a minute to confirm your contact information.

First Name: Jason
Last name: Burns
City: City
State: MD
Zip Code: [ EMPTY ]
Is something incorrect? Update your info here »
how to be an awesome shelter
The Alliance is excited to partner with OrgCode for two in-person learning clinics on creating holistic and housing-focused emergency shelters.

The clinics — held in March 20-21 in Edmonton, Canada and March 23-24 in Dallas — will provide attendees with everything they need to implement change in their shelter!
Register for the Edmonton Clinic »
Register for the Dallas Clinic »
from the blog
Ending Homelessness Today
the official blog of the national alliance to end homelessness
Using Community Services Block Grants to Fund Rapid Re-Housing
by Jen Saunders
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services manages the CSBG program and individual states and territories administer it. The program is broadly available — 99 percent of the nation’s counties receiving CSBG funding! The grants fund services that address the needs of low-income people and communities. The CSBG is an often-overlooked resource that can support RRH activities.
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Health Care, Medicaid, and Homelessness – What's happening?
by Steve Berg
After several weeks of crisis mode in Congress around preserving Medicaid expansion, it’s time for a deep breath and a recap of what’s happened so far and what’s likely to happen next. The process has changed and slowed, the immediate worst-case scenario has been prevented, but many threats remain.
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Creating Systems and Culture Change around Rapid Re-Housing
by Jen Saunders
Today we are releasing a new resource, Rapid Re-Housing: Creating Systems and Culture Change, that provides guidance for communities interested or currently engaged in efforts to expand rapid re-housing.
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About Us

The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to solving the problem of homelessness and preventing its continued growth.

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Visit the Center for Capacity Building to learn more about the ways the Center can help your community end homelessness.