News from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness

USICH Releases Criteria and Benchmarks for Ending Family and Youth Homelessness

Young mother with infant After a lengthy collaborative development process that included numerous opportunities for input and guidance from stakeholders, communities, and national organizations, USICH and its federal partners are pleased to release the criteria and benchmarks for achieving the goal of ending family homelessness and youth homelessness.

Review the Criteria and Benchmarks for Ending Family Homelessness

More guidance and tools to support the use of these criteria and benchmarks will be forthcoming in the near future.

Driving Progress Through Opening Doors - And the
Work Still Left to be Done
Cover of Opening Doors
Through the implementation of Opening Doors, communities across America have driven steady progress in ending homelessness. 

We summarize the accomplishments, identify strategies that have been working, and describe the work still left to be done to make sure every American has a safe and stable home as a platform from which to pursue and succeed at their goals.

Read our brief.

Conway Residence Opens in DC, Giving Veterans a Place to Call Home 
 Conway Residence
Upon the recent grand opening of a nearby new affordable and supportive housing building, Executive Director Matthew Doherty reflects on the importance of every community welcoming and valuing new neighbors who are seeking a place to call home and hoping for a community that will be full of opportunity.

Read his commentary

Secretary Castro Recaps HUD's Actions to Advance Progress on Ending Homelessness 
Secretary Julian Castro

In this message to CoCs, public housing authorities, and homelessness services providers, Secretary Castro summarizes the Department's progress and guidance to communities over the past few years on advancing strategies needed to end homelessness in this country. 

Commander Kent Forde Wants All of Us to Reflect on

Commander Kent Forde

Who's the Boss 
Commander Forde, who graciously lent us his skill and perspective over the last few months at USICH, reflects on his experience and the progress made on ending homelessness at the Department of Health and Human Services under the leadership of USICH chair Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell.

Read his reflection.