Homelessness Update

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ten communities RECEIVE new funding to end youth homelessness
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program has announced that it will fund the efforts of ten communities to develop comprehensive systems of care. A total of $33 million has been awarded to six urban and four rural communities dedicated to ending youth homelessness.
See which communities won awards »
Don't miss these upcoming rapid
re-housing webinars!

Making Rapid Re-Housing Part of Your System
Feb. 8 at 1 p.m. ET

Learn the critical elements of an effective homeless system, including the role of rapid re-housing and how to scale the intervention.

Rapidly Re-Housing Households with Zero Income
Feb. 14 at 1 p.m. ET

Re-housing individuals and families without an earned income is possible. Experts will share how programs Dayton, OH and Washington, DC have found success and how you can apply lessons-learned in your community.
Register for upcoming webinars »
USICH releases A National Vision for Ending Youth Homelessness
The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness has released Criteria and Benchmarks for Achieving the Goal of Ending Youth Homelessness a guide for communities. This resource will help communities get a full picture of their response to youth homelessness and determine whether or not they are reaching their goals.
Access the guide »
413 youth housed in 100 days
Austin, Cleveland and Los Angeles have completed their 100-Day Challenges to End Youth Homelessness and each city exceeded their housing goals!

With support from the Rapid Results Institute, these communities experimented with innovative solutions to house as many youth as possible during the 100 days.
Check out their success »
Information tables still available for february conference in houston
If you’re interested in purchasing an information table to showcase your organization or personal work at the 2017 National Conference on Ending Family and Youth Homelessness please contact Michelle Fantone as soon as possible.
Get in touch »
hill update
Carson talks homelessness during Nomination hearing
Dr. Benjamin Carson said it is important to continue working to build strong partnerships with counties and cities through the Continuums of Care during his nomination hearing for Secretary of the U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development.

Carson explained how his own experience of housing insecurity has informed his views, and he emphasized the importance of taking a holistic approach and committed to working across silos if confirmed.
View the full hearing »
from the blog
Ending Homelessness Today
the official blog of the national alliance to end homelessness
Engaging Philanthropy in Ending Homelessness
by Jen Saunders and Guest Blogger Jason D. Alexander, Principal, Capacity for Change, LLC
What resources are available to communities to support rapid re-housing (RRH)? While there are a lot sources of funding available, communities are often unsure of how to get started. In particular, developing a pool of flexible private dollars to support RRH can be critical to supporting aspects of the program that cannot be funded through federal and local funding. Here are some ways local communities have worked with philanthropy to raise funds to support RRH.
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Making Rapid Re-Housing the System Focus in Mercer County
by Guest blogger, Marygrace Billek, Mercer County Department of Human Services
The advent of the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act and the birth of rapid re-housing was a sea change for Mercer County NJ. Mercer was known throughout the state as the county that worked well together.
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Where to Find New Funding for Rapid Re-Housing
by Steve Berg
Many communities are experiencing the benefits of rapid re-housing. Yet there are still more people who are homeless and need the services. If you need more housing, you need more financial resources – where can you find new resources?
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The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to solving the problem of homelessness and preventing its continued growth.

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