Homelessness Update

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Hud awards $1.95 Billion in continuum of care grants
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded funding to almost 7,600 local homeless service providers to end homelessness. This year's Continuum of Care (CoC) competition continued its trend of rewarding high-performing, Housing First programs.
See a full list of awardees »
building owners managers can play a role in ending homelessness
In high-rent, low-vacancy markets the need for subsidized housing outweighs the supply. Owners of HUD-assisted multifamily buildings can apply a "homeless preference" to their waitlist to help house a homeless individual or family quickly.
Learn More about the "Homeless Preference" »
Eight things the new congress may do with big impacts on homelessness
Big change is underway in Washington, DC! While there is little information coming from the Trump administration’s transition team about policy, there are some things we can plan for based on what we do know. Read our blog on potential changes to the Affordable Care Act, appropriations, spending limits and more.
Read the Blog »
final rule establishes performance standards for rhy grantees
The Families and Youth Services Bureau has released its final rule on its Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA) programs.

The rule reflects existing statutory requirements in the RHYA and changes made via the Reconnecting Homeless Youth Act of 2008. More specifically, the rule establishes program performance standards for RHY grantees providing services to eligible youth and their families.

The final rule also includes additional requirements that apply to the Basic Center, Transitional Living, and Street Outreach Programs, such as nondiscrimination, background checks, outreach, and training.
Read the Final Rule »
from the blog
Ending Homelessness Today
the official blog of the national alliance to end homelessness
Making Rapid Re-Housing Partnerships: Lots of Work To Do!
by Sharon McDonald
In September, people from across the country participated in our Rapid Re-Housing Summit to explore successes and assess the next steps to advance the model further. One of the key topics participants explored was developing partnerships. The big takeaway? We have a lot of work to do!
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Ready for the New Congress: 8 Things They Might Do With Big Impacts on Homelessness
by Steve Berg
Big change is underway in Washington, DC! On Jan. 20, Inauguration Day, the same party will take control of both Congress and the White House. This was also the case at the beginning of the Obama, W. Bush and Clinton administrations. The result was that all three administrations were able to get major legislation passed very early.
There is little information coming from the Trump administration’s transition team about policy. But, there are some things we can plan for based on what we do know.
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How Salt Lake City Makes Rapid Re-Housing Work
by naehblog
For rapid re-housing to work best, it needs to be integrated into your community plan. It should be a part of Coordinated Entry, ingrained in the processes at emergency shelters, and supported by committed resources from many partners who help families re-build their support networks and stability in housing.
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The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to solving the problem of homelessness and preventing its continued growth.

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