Financial Ed. Should Get Political

Also: "Your Lease Should Be Next to Your Bible" ● Political History in Public Space ● Bank Agencies Take the Easy Way Out on CRA
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Industry News

Lisa Davis

Lisa Davis, formerly of the Ford Foundation, joins Pembrook Capital Management

Davis will work with Pembrook's socially motivated investors and will originate investments that promote affordable housing, job creation, and revitalization of underserved neighborhoods. Prior to joining Pembrook, Davis served as a program officer at the Ford Foundation's Metropolitan Opportunities Unit, where she was responsible for overseeing U.S.-based affordable housing and community development finance portfolios, as well as impact investing work.


Webinar | Supportive Services and Housing for People with Substance Use Disorders | Oct. 4, 2 p.m. ET

In response to the growing national and local discourse about the connections between housing and health outcomes, Community Catalyst sponsors this call, which will provide an overview of the successes and challenges advocates and other stakeholders face in ensuring housing services for people with substance use disorders.

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Financial Education Should Get Political

Rosalyn Epstein, Urban Strategies Council

Financial curricula for low-income households often focus on personal choices about budgeting and saving--but if they don't also address systemic problems, exploitation, and discrimination, they aren't . . .  More


"Your Lease Should Be Next to Your Bible," #RentersDayofAction

Keli A. Tianga, Shelterforce

Newark may not be first on the list of cities you would expect to be feeling the threat of gentrification, but in fact, this week . . .  More

Fernandes archi-treasures
Political History in Public Space

Joyce Fernandes, archi-treasures

In the mid-1990s, the Chicago Park District refused to allow a statue of Don Pedro Albizu Campos to be placed within Humboldt Park. But not everyone was so afraid of including political history into public space . . .   More

Josh Silver

Bank Agencies Take the Easy Way Out on CRA

Josh Silver, NCRC

Despite a major need for reform to CRA regulations, federal bank agencies decided to quietly bunt instead of swing for the fences. Instead of making any changes to the regulations, they only . . .  More
OFN ReThink

You Said It!

For years, East Cleveland has been getting by with a police department that is grossly understaffed, under-equipped, and often grossly unprofessional . . . . My guess is that most East Cleveland residents would prefer the Cleveland Police Department to what they have now. --Greg, more

Thoughtful article. This shift toward a broader and more comprehensive recognition of the critical nature of this role and how through co-investment we can gain more impact on the side of nurturing community is important.  I love the idea of promoting a love of hosting and connecting in shared space through . . . --Jennifer Vanica, more

Love this article and way of thinking that seems like it should be so intuitive in nature -- yet seldom found.  Thank you for sharing. --Amy Jo, more

Just as we certify any contract personnel, the property manager should require ongoing licensing/certification. Many stay up on the business aspects of their job, but lose the human side of things. Let's not forget that if . . . --Karla P. Graham, more

The Tenderloin Housing Clinic, which I head, renamed the position years ago to "Supportive Housing Manager." --Randy Shaw, more

Looking for a Job?
Assistant Director 
Senior Research Associate

The Assistant Director will serve as the number-two leader of this applied research center, which focuses broadly on issues of promoting equity and inclusion in urban America with a specific focus on mixed-income . . . Read Full Listing
Policy Director

The Policy Director will lead CHPC's policy and advocacy work to increase funding for low-income renters in California, with an emphasis on policies and programs relating to energy efficiency and renewables in affordable multifamily . . . Read Full Listing
Director of Real Estate Development
Responsible for the planning, financing, and development of new affordable housing communities and acquiring existing affordable housing, this individual also serves as an ambassador for Impact . . . Read Full Listing 
Executive Director
The ideal candidate is a committed leader with deep knowledge of affordable housing and development. A creative, strategic thinker who can lead policy conversations, manage staff, work with boards . . . Read Full Listing
President/Chief Executive Officer
The President/CEO provides direction and leadership for the organization's mission, represents and speaks for the organization and its work, works with executive management to advance our strategic . . . Read Full Listing 

Director of Advocacy

The person in this role will develop our budget and policy advocacy strategies, and engage community residents who are affected by issues of housing affordability and other issues of social and economic justice . . . Read Full Listing

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Janis Bowdler
JPMorgan Chase & Co.

HOPE Credit Union

Burlington Associates

Democracy Collaborative

Ana Garcia-Ashley
Gamaliel Foundation

Jamaal Green
Portland State University

Texas Low Income Housing Information Service

Lisa Hodges
Hodges Development, LLC

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Street Level Advisors

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Center for Community Progress

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City University of New York

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Shelterforce Weekly

Senior Editor, Lillian M. Ortiz

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Publisher, Harold Simon

Assistant Publisher, Terri L. Clegg