Reporting System Performance Measures: Submission Deadline Extended to August 15, 2016

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

Reporting System Performance Measures: Submission Deadline Extended to
August 15, 2016

HUD’s system performance measures are critical indicators for how a community is working to end homelessness. Because of the nature of measuring performance across an entire system, these measures are complex. HUD is aware that communities are facing several challenges with their data, from Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) software concerns to data quality issues, as they are in the process of submitting their system performance measures data. As a result, HUD has decided to extend the submission deadline until Monday, August 15, 2016 7:59:59 PM EDT to provide Continuums of Care (CoCs) with enough time to run updated reports and submit data to the HUD Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) web portal.
CoCs must submit their 2016 System Performance Measures data by the new deadline to meet the HUD reporting requirement. Meeting the data submission deadline is a factor considered by HUD in the FY 2016 CoC Program Competition.
HUD understands there may be various data quality issues associated with this first submission. HUD encourages communities to prioritize submitting the best data they have and then to document their concerns when they submit. HUD is very interested in the challenges CoCs are facing and wants to use that information to assist where it can. HUD expected that this initial submission would reveal several challenges and encourages CoCs to work with their HMIS Lead and vendor to continuously improve data quality in their HMIS, even after the community submits its data in HDX. For this year, CoCs should focus on making sure they submit the report by the deadline. HUD will provide an opportunity to update or resubmit FY 2015 System Performance Measure data in the future. 

Additional Questions and Updating Submitted Data

If you have any questions about System Performance Measures that are not covered in the Data Submission Guidance or Training webinar, please visit the HUD Exchange Ask a Question (AAQ) portal.
  • CoCs who have already submitted the report in HDX can request access to the report to edit data by submitting a question to the HDX AAQ portal. To submit a question to the HDX AAQ portal, select “HDX: Homelessness Data Exchange (including PIT, HIC and AHAR)” from the “My question is related to” drop down list on Step 2 of the question submission process and indicate Reporting Systems in the subject line. Requests must be submitted by August 12, 2016.
  • Technical questions related to data submission in HDX should be submitted to the HDX AAQ portal. To submit a question to the HDX AAQ portal, select “HDX: Homelessness Data Exchange (including PIT, HIC and AHAR)” from the “My question is related to” drop down list on Step 2 of the question submission process and indicate Reporting Systems in the subject line.
  • Questions about calculation of the measures or preparing the report in HMIS should be submitted to the HMIS AAQ portal. To submit a question to the HMIS AAQ portal, select “HMIS: Homeless Management Information System)” from the “My question is related to” drop down list on Step 2 of the question submission process and indicate Reporting Systems in the subject line.

Additional Resources

HUD recently posted a set of FAQs on the measures. You can review these, along with the other System Performance Measure resources on the System Performance Measures page. You can also view recordings of the recent System Performance Measures webinars at the following links: