HUD Announces the Release of the Maximizing Investments Toolkit 

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HUD Announces the Release of the Maximizing Investments Toolkit

Community Planning and Development (CPD) announces the release of the Maximizing Investments Toolkit. The Toolkit includes tools and guidance to help grantees identify local housing and community development needs and determine how to most effectively use their resources to address those needs. The tools are designed to help grantees set appropriate goals for their investments and to identify ways to maximize their positive impacts.

In essence, the Toolkit helps answer this question: How can grantees target resources where they are needed most in their community?
Making well-informed and strategic choices is the first step.
Resources available in the toolkit include:
  • An introductory webinar and guidebook
  • A tool to help track comments received through the Con Plan consultation process
  • Guidance on how grantees can evaluate progress and make strategic funding decisions
  • Tools for improving grant administration
  • And more!
View the Maximizing Investments Toolkit