Now Available: CoC Program Grant and Project Administration Requirements Online Training Module

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

Now Available: CoC Program Grant and Project Administration Requirements Online Training Module

The HUD Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) is pleased to announce the release of a new tool: Continuum of Care Program: Grant and Project Administration Requirements. This online training module ensures that recipients and subrecipients understand the primary responsibilities in administering a Continuum of Care (CoC) Program project. The module includes a summary of information about the requirements established for recipients and subrecipients in the CoC Program Interim Rule.

The training enables users to:
  • Understand the requirements related to housing activities
  • Describe the requirements related to program participants
  • Explain the applicability of other Federal requirements in relation to the CoC Program
  • Summarize the requirements for recordkeeping and expectations for monitoring

To explore this new training module and other CoC grant administration tools, visit the CoC Toolkit - Grant Administration.

View the Marketing Flyer announcing this new training module.

Additional CoC Program tools and resources are located on the CoC Program Toolkit Page. Resources are provided in a variety of formats, including online self-paced trainings, broadcasts, podcasts, videos, and presentations.