HUD Announces New CDBG Project Profiles Website

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HUD Announces New CDBG Project Profiles Website

Have you ever wondered how other communities use their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds?
As someone who works to improve the quality of lives in your community, you may be interested in learning new and innovative ways to use CDBG funds to:
  • Invest in your community by stimulating the economy
  • Help people with low and moderate incomes have stable and safe housing
  • Build infrastructure to create a suitable and sustainable living environment
HUD has made it easy to learn how other grantees are using their CDBG funds with the release of its Project Profiles website. The website gives you a front row seat to view projects from around the nation.
Find out:
  • What activities do grantees fund?
  • How much money is leveraged?
  • Who are their partners?
  • What are their impacts?
Through the Project Profiles Website to share your story. Tell others about your work, the difference you make, and how you do it.
View the CDBG Project Profiles website to share your story.

Also this spring, HUD has created Explore CDBG, an accessible and engaging collection of online technical assistance products to help community development professionals learn more about the CDBG program, its rules and practical implications.