[MARHMIS] Fwd: Question Response for e-snaps Question ID 66183 - HUD Exchange Ask A Question

Here is the answer I got from the AAQ on a question that I discussed at MARHMIS meeting on Monday. 

Greta Rolland
Homeless Alliance for the Lower Shore
MD-513 CoC
HMIS System Administrator and Homeless Program Consultant

-----Original Message-----
From: aaq <aaq@hudexchange.info>
To: gretarolland <gretarolland@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Nov 11, 2015 2:51 pm
Subject: Question Response for e-snaps Question ID 66183 - HUD Exchange Ask A Question

Question Status: Answered
Thank you for submitting a question via the HUD Exchange. The response to your question is listed below.
Requestor Name: Greta Rolland
Requestor Email: gretarolland@aol.com
Question Related To: e-snaps
Question ID: 66183
Question Subject:
Question 3A-4a Exits to Permanant Housing Destinations for CoC funded projects
Question Text:
Question 3A-4a asks for the number of persons in CoC funded SSO, TH and RRH projects who exited into permanent housing destinations.  While our CoC has TH and RRH projects, none are funded through the CoC application.  Rather they are funded either through ESG, SSVF or privately.  Since we have no CoC funded projects for SSO, TH and SSO, do we report 0 for each answer or should we run HMIS reports for our TH and RRH projects funded outside of CoC funds and respond with these numbers?
Thank you for your question.
Please see pages 42-43 of the CoC Application Detailed Instructions, which can be found at:https://www.hudexchange.info/resource/3330/coc-application-detailed-instructions/.
Enter "0" in both cells if the CoC's HMIS did not record any persons who exited from CoC-Program funded Supportive Services Only (SSO), Transitional Housing (TH), and Permanent Housing–Rapid Re- housing (PH-RRH) during FY 2014 (October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014). 
HUD will award maximum points to CoCs that demonstrate that 80 percent of persons who exit CoC Program-funded TH, SSO, and PH-RRH projects exit to a permanent housing destination. The performance measure's universe remains the same as in past Competitions, so the performance measure's universe is comprised only of CoC-Program funded TH, SSO, and PH-RRH projects.
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