Review VA's Request to Share HMIS Client Info, 6/24, 11:30am-12:30pm

Please join us to discuss "VA's Request to Share HMIS Client Information" via WebEx on 6/24, 11:30am-12:30pm (registration not required).  Adrienne MelĂ©ndez (VA TA) has graciously agreed to provide a brief overview, and then we will have an open forum.  Listed below is the WebEx info and the original email I sent to Adrienne this morning.  Hope you are able to attend.  Thanks!

Jason's email to VA TA, 6/19, 9:43amAdrienne, would you be open to a discussion about VA's request to share client information amongst CoC's?  While I encourage and support efforts to assist our clients, I have some major concerns regarding some of the preliminary discussions, drafts, etc.  After quickly skimming through a few of the drafts this morning, I already noticed several areas that conflict or are out of compliance with either federal, state, local, HIPAA, VA, and HUD regulations.  I also have concerns regarding the additional workload this will create for all of the CoC's, providers, and case managers.  I completely understand the intent, but wish to provide input before this is released, if at all possible.  As always, thank you for your efforts and consideration.

Jason Burns, MCSE
Systems Administrator

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