Updates on the 2015 HIC and PIT Data Submission Process and New PIT Resources Available

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

Updates on the 2015 HIC and PIT Data Submission Process and New PIT Resources Available

Submitting 2015 HIC and PIT Data in the HUD Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX)

Continuums of Care (CoCs) may begin entering their 2015 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) count data into HUD’s Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) web portal on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. HUD anticipates that the HIC module in HDX will be open sooner and will send a listserv informing CoCs if that occurs. HUD will also issue additional guidance on how to submit 2015 HIC and PIT data in HDX. CoCs must submit their 2015 HIC and PIT count data by Thursday, April 30, 2015, 12:00 AM (midnight) EDT.
Submitting the HIC and the PIT data in HDX is a two-step process, and both steps must be completed by the submission deadline.
  1. HIC data must be submitted via the HIC Reporting Status page
  2. PIT data must be submitted via the PIT Reporting Status page

New PIT Resources

HUD has created a new website on the HUD Exchange called the Point-in-Time Count Implementation Tools page, where it post tools to assist communities to effectively plan and implement their PIT counts.
With the release of the Point-in-Time Count Implementation Tools, HUD has posted two resources:
  1. PIT Data Extrapolation Tool: CoCs can use the PIT Extrapolation Tool to extrapolate gender, ethnicity, and race information within household categories for sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons for whom the CoC was not able to collect this information. CoCs first identify their total sheltered and unsheltered homeless population and then use the tool to inform how to extrapolate for gaps in demographic data.
  2. Sheltered PIT Count and HMIS Data Element Crosswalk: CoCs can use the Data Crosswalk to assist with mapping Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) data elements to the required sheltered PIT count reporting categories in HDX. CoCs interested in using the client data collected in their HMIS from emergency shelter, Safe Havens, and transitional housing projects for the sheltered portion of the PIT reporting requirements can use the optional cross walk to assist in identifying HMIS data elements needed to produce shelter PIT data from HMIS.
For more information about the HIC and PIT, visit the PIT and HIC Guides, Tools, and Webinars page. If you have questions regarding this listserv or the resources listed, please submit your questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. To submit a question to the AAQ portal, select “HDX Homelessness Data Exchange” from the “My question is related to” drop down list on Step 2 of the question submission process.