FY 2013 and FY 2014 CoC Program Competition Application: Deadline Reminder

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Planning Development OneCPD Mailing List
Developing Viable Communities through Housing, Services, & Economic Opportunities

FY 2013 and FY 2014 CoC Program Competition Application: Deadline Reminder

As of today, January 30, 2014, there are 5 days remaining until the end of the FY 2013 CoC Program Competition.

Applications must be submitted in e-snaps by 7:59:59 PM ET February 3, 2014.

As of 10:00 am ET today, out of a total of 416 expected CoC Consolidated Applications, HUD has received:
  • 27 CoC Applications
  • 53 CoC Priority Listings
  • 27 Collaborative Applicants have submitted both the CoC Application and the CoC Priority Listings
See Section VI.B.1.d. of the FY 2013 - FY 2014 CoC Program Competition NOFA that states in part: “The CoC Priority Listings are a separate submission; therefore, CoCs must ensure that the FY 2013/FY 2014 CoC Application and the CoC Priority Listings, along with the applicable Project Applications, are submitted in e-snaps prior to the application deadline.”

Applications must be completed and submitted in e-snaps no later than February 3, 2014, 7:59:59 p.m., Eastern Time. Please allow ample time to complete your CoC Consolidated Application and DO NOT wait until the last minute to submit. HUD strongly recommends that CoCs submit their applications at least 24-48 hours before the deadline. See Section VI of the FY 2013 - FY 2014 CoC Program Competition NOFA for application submission and timely receipt requirements for the FY 2013 CoC Program Competition process.

Application and clarifying questions submitted to the AAQ by yesterday, January 29, 2014 will receive a response from HUD. Any questions, including clarifying questions, related to the FY 2013 CoC Program Competition applications submitted to the e-snaps Ask A Question (AAQ) portal are no longer guaranteed a response from HUD as the last day to submit these questions was yesterday, January 29, 2014. HUD will try to answer all AAQ questions submitted; however, as stated in previous listserv messages, cannot guarantee a response if they are submitted after January 29, 2014.

CoCs, Collaborative Applicants, and Project Applicants that require information and technical support regarding the FY 2013 CoC Program Competition may submit an electronic inquiry to OneCPD Ask A Question. Starting on Friday, January 31, 2014, the AAQ will only respond to emergency technical support questions up to the competition deadline of February 3, 2014, 2013 7:59:59 p.m., Eastern Time.

For additional guidance and resources, please refer to the CoC Program Competition Resources page on the OneCPD Resource Exchange.